Reasons to Consider Kshar Sutra Treatment instead of Modern Surgery.
We Indians are a fortunate people. Only our civilization can claim such a diverse range of traditional medical knowledge systems. Nowadays, this is both a blessing and a curse. Campaigners of Ayurveda rightly claim that India gave the world surgery, with the Sushrutha Samhita being the oldest medicinal text to discuss surgical procedures. Kshar Sutra therapy is a minimally invasive Ayurvedic para surgical procedure and time-tested Ayurvedic technique
Kshar Sutra therapy is a minimally invasive Ayurvedic para surgical procedure and time-tested Ayurvedic technique for curing anorectal disorders. It is a secure, certain, and cost-effective method of treating fistulas in ano, haemorrhoids, and other sinus diseases. According to World Health Organization (WHO), Kshar Sutra Therapy is better than any Modern Surgery for Anal Fistula.
The procedure of Kshar Sutra:
In the Kshar Sutra treatment, a surgical linen string gauge number 20 is encased 11 times with Snuhi spandex (Euphorbia neriifolia), 7 times with Apamarga Kshar (Achyranthes Aspera), and 3x with Snuhi latex and Haridra churna (turmeric powder).
In Fistula-in-ano patients, Kshar Sutra is administered by anesthetizing the patient and inserting a malleable device with the Kshar Sutra in its slot through the external urethral orifice of the fistula to the intrinsic one, then carefully removing the probe with the Kshar Sutra intact. Then, a week later, both ends of the Khara Sutra are tied together and replaced by the new one. The track is eventually cut and healed in this manner, expelling unhealthy tissue, dictating microbial infection, and facilitating drainage of pus in the tract to aid in healing
The Kshar Sutra therapy in Pilonidal Sinus is performed in an identical manner as the preceding one, with the Kshar Sutra being transmitted through the sinus’ urethral opening to the skin, tied together, and replaced a week later. Kshar Sutra in Haemorrhoids is performed by first tranquilizing the patient, then removing the pile mass with forceps from the anal orifice, making an episiotomy at the mucocutaneous joint, mildly pulling the pile mass and transfixing it with Kshar Sutra treatment at its bottom, and finally substituting the ligated pile mass into the rectum with Yastimadhu taila or ghrita.
What exactly does the Kshar Sutra therapy do to cure Piles or fistula?
- It is beneficial in the cutting, curing, draining, and healing of the fistulous tract.
- Caustic action destroys and removes unhealthy tissue while also promoting fistulous track healing.
- Microbicidal action prevents infection.
- Cleaning the wound and separating the debris
- Assist in the drainage of pus from the fistulous tract and the healing process.
- Cutting through the tissues and exposing the track
- Chemical cauterization and mechanical blood vessel strangulation
- Localized gangrene of pile mass tissue.
- Ischemic necrosis and dysfunctional tissue debridement
- In less than 5-7 days, the mass will be sloughed.
- The subsequent wound takes 10-15 days to heal.
Benefits of Kshar Sutra treatment over modern surgery
This treatment is mostly performed under local anesthesia and normally takes around 20-50 minutes to perform whereas modern surgery normally uses general anesthesia and takes around 1-2 hours to complete.
Hospital stay does not extend beyond 5-6 hours and the patient can go back to their normal lives within 3-5 days. In the case of modern surgery, the patient needs around 1-2 weeks to fully recover and the success rate is very low and you must be hospitalized, Ayurvedic Kshar-Sutra surgery was found to have a success rate of 98.6 percent in Fistula.
Kshar sutra treatment is more cost-effective than modern surgery.
The possibility of it coming back after the Kshar sutra ligation procedure is quite unlikely i.e. it permanently cures fistula.
The biggest benefit of Kshar Sutra treatment over modern surgery is that the muscles which support the anus and works towards regulating the bowel movements are not affected, which ensures that the patient doesn’t have to suffer from anal incontinence.
In today’s medical science, Kshar-Sutra surgery is the best option for anorectal diseases.
Can any other complications arise after the Kshar sutra?
The Kshar Sutra should be ligated on the root of the pile mass so that it continues to shrink and segregates in a week or ten days. It tends to cost around 1500 to 2000 per kshar sutra to be updated at least once a week. You will have a sensation of slight pain after the ligation, which will have a minor impact on your daily activities. As a result, bed rest is optional. Because there is no need for surgery, there will be no bleeding or pain.
If you have any more queries you can contact Shreyas Ano Rectal Hospital & Research Center which is widely regarded as one of the best hospitals for Piles treatment where they conduct Laser surgery for piles and fistula, painless surgery for fissure, Ksharsutra, etc.
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