Dr. Mukul Patel

Welcome to Shreyas Ano-Rectal Hospital & Research Centre, Surat.

Dr. Mukul Patel – Founder

  • A graduate of the Dhanvantari Mandir ( Jamnagar ), affiliated to the world famous and the only Ayurved University – Gujarat Ayurved University , Jamnagar , Gujarat ( India ).
  • A post graduate of Akhandananda Ayurved Mahavidyalaya affiliated to the institute of Post Graduate Teaching and Research – Gujarat Ayurved University .
  • Has worked in the field of management of Ano-Rectal diseases through Ayurveda since -1987.
  • Runs his private consulting room and hospital at Surat , Gujarat ( India ), since -1989 .
  • Has participated in many Colo-rectal seminars throughout India .
  • Has conducted many free diagnostic and operative Ano-Rectal camps throughout India to make available his services to the less fortunate class.
  • Has a vast experience of having diagnosed and treated over 6000 patients of Ano rectal diseases like Piles, Fistula, and Fissure in Ano etc.
  • Experienced in carrying out all types of Ano-Rectal procedures including the Kshar-Sutra and laser surgery.
  • Has successfully operated upon more than 2000 patients according to the specialized Kshar Sutra therapy of Ayurveda.
  • Has teaching experience to undergraduate and post graduate students of Akhandananda Ayurveda College (Mahavidyalaya).
  • Has delivered radio talks on All India Radio on Ano-Rectal subjects.
  • A graduate of the Dhanvantari Mandir ( Jamnagar ), affiliated to the world famous and the only Ayurved University – Gujarat Ayurved University , Jamnagar , Gujarat ( India ).

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    Ksharsutra Ligation       -      Fistulectomy Fistulotomy       -       Fibrine Glue - Managment for Anal Fistula       -       Core Technique For Anal Fistula       -       Vran Upakrama        -      Ksharvarti & Ksharpichu Technique       -       Hemorrhoidectomy (Open N Close Method)       -      IRC(Infra Red Coagulation) for Hemorrhoids       -       PPH(Stapler Hemorrhoidectomy) For Hemorrhoids       -       HAL (Hemorrhoidal Artery Ligation) Technique       -       Barran Band Ligation For Hemorrhoids       -      Kshar Karma(Chemical Cauterization) for Hemorrhoids       -       Sclaro Therapy       -       Jalouka - Leach Application Technique       -       Crayo Surgery       -       Laser Surgery       -       Radio Frequency Cauterization       -       Basti Treatment (Medicated Enima For IBS & U Colitis)       -       Chemical Cutrization Through Ayurvedic Drugs       -       Conservative Managment - Shaman Chikitsa For Anorectal Diseases       -      Surgery According to Ayurveda       -       Surgery According to Modern Science