Teaching & Training Programs

Training programs will be held once a year. It will be conducted at Surat. Lectures with multimedia will be conducted on various related topics by experts of the relative subjects. Guest lectures on special topics will also be included. Education material and multimedia CDs will be provided to the candidates. Practical knowledge of different surgical and Para surgical procedures followed in the treatment of various Anorectal diseases will be given to the candidates.

A certificate will be given on completion of the training program. Certificate will be given to candidates who have attended at least 80% of the lectures. Candidates may be given membership of our institution, in which case patients of their area / region / country will be directed to them for follow ups.

We will also be providing free guidance/consultation (on request) to these members whenever required (by post/email.) for complicated cases.

  • Duration of Basic Training Program : 7 days
  • Advanced Training Program : 21 days

Qualification Required:

Students applying for this program should be qualified Graduates or Post graduates of any of the following disciplines-

  • Modern Medical Science.
  • Ayurveda Medical science.



  • 3600 USD for foreign candidates
  • 75000 INR Indian candidates


  • 1200 USD for foreign candidates
  • 25000 INR for Indian candidates


(Up date of Piles, fissure, fistula & Ksharsutra)

Day 1

  • Introduction
  • Anatomy & Physiology Ano rectum (Primary)
  • Introduction about Ksharsutra
  • Clinical examination of Ano rectum

Day 2

  • Spasm of the sphincter muscles ( Diseases , mechanism & management)
  • Conservative management with Ayurveda procedures
  • Anal fissure (Modern & Ayurveda approach)/li>
  • Constipation – (Ayurveda management)

Day 3

  • Anal fissure (practical demonstration) – Clinical Examination, Diagnosis, & management
  • Clinical Examinations for diagnosis of Ano rectal diseases (Inspection, Digital examination -P/R, Proctoscopy, Sigmoidoscopy, X- Ray, MRI etc
  • Anal fissure (Modern & Ayurveda approach)/li>
  • Constipation – (Ayurveda management)

Day 4

  • Lord’s anal dilation, ( Indication, Contra indication, Complication & Management) – ( Practical training)
  • Conservative / Medical management of the fissure in Ano through Ayurveda
  • Preparation of Apamarga Kshara – 2 (Practical training)
  • Collecting method of the Snuhikshira (Latex) (Practical training) / CD demonstration (with Multimedia movie clips)
  • Hemorrhoids ( Ayurveda & Modern view – Introduction)

Day 5

  • Preparation of Apamarga Kshara – 2 (Practical training)
  • Collecting method of the Snuhi kshira -2 (Latex) (Practical trainin
  • Surgical management of the fissure: Sphincterotomy ( Posterior & Lateral) (Complications & Management) (Practical demonstration)
  • Hemorrhoids management by Sutra ligation technique.- Practical training
  • Hemorrhoids management by Barran band ligation technique – Practical training
  • Post operative complication & management of ligation technique
  • Ksharsutra cabinet, Framing, preparation. ( Practical training)

Day 6

  • Ksharsutra cabinet, Framing, preparation. ( Practical training)
  • How to prepare the Kshar sootra. ( Practical training)
  • Packing & preservation
  • Fistula in Ano – Ayurveda & Modern view
  • Hemorrhoids management by hemorrhoidectomy (Closed & Open) Practical demonstration.
  • Classification of Fistula (by Parks & Goliger as well as the ancient surgeon Sushruta)
  • Rectal bleeding the cause & its conservative management.

Day 7

  • Ano rectal pain
  • Plurals discharge through anal and perennial diseases
  • Kshar Pichu & Kshar varti (How to prepare, its application, Complication & management) (Practical training
  • Kshara tail (How to prepare the Kshar tailam) its application
  • Anal fistula clinical examination, diagnosis, & treatments (Modern & Ayurveda approach) – Practical training
  • Anal fistula by Ksharsutra ligation ( Practical demonstration )

Contact Person : Dr. Mukul Patel

( M.D. Ano – Rectal Ay, FAMS )

Swaminarayan Complex,
Majura Gate Traffic Circle,
Surat – 395 001,
Gujarat, INDIA

Call : +91-9825207066 -Dr. Medha Patel

( Please contact between 11 AM to 10 PM – India time)

Telephone :+91-261-2462626 ,
2651718 (R)

Whatsapp Now
Free Consultation
Ksharsutra Ligation       -      Fistulectomy Fistulotomy       -       Fibrine Glue - Managment for Anal Fistula       -       Core Technique For Anal Fistula       -       Vran Upakrama        -      Ksharvarti & Ksharpichu Technique       -       Hemorrhoidectomy (Open N Close Method)       -      IRC(Infra Red Coagulation) for Hemorrhoids       -       PPH(Stapler Hemorrhoidectomy) For Hemorrhoids       -       HAL (Hemorrhoidal Artery Ligation) Technique       -       Barran Band Ligation For Hemorrhoids       -      Kshar Karma(Chemical Cauterization) for Hemorrhoids       -       Sclaro Therapy       -       Jalouka - Leach Application Technique       -       Crayo Surgery       -       Laser Surgery       -       Radio Frequency Cauterization       -       Basti Treatment (Medicated Enima For IBS & U Colitis)       -       Chemical Cutrization Through Ayurvedic Drugs       -       Conservative Managment - Shaman Chikitsa For Anorectal Diseases       -      Surgery According to Ayurveda       -       Surgery According to Modern Science