Welcome to Shreyas Ano-Rectal Hospital & Research Centre, Surat
Patient Testimonials
Testimonial 1

First I would like to start out by thanking Dr Mukul and his amazing team! They have forever changed my life. They provided me with the hope and support where others did not. They cured me of the impossible while ensuring complete control over my bowels for the remainder of my life! They were extremely professional, thoughtful and provided the utmost care during my treatment and stay in Surat, India. I approached Dr Mukul in September 2016 in haste, extremely ill and stressed about my current employment as well as my future opportunities.
After living with a high complex transsphincter fistula for almost a year and having multiple western surgeries, the decision to go to India was fast and hectic. Dr. Mukul accommodated almost every request I made with complete and utter humbleness. ”Read_More..”
I have never felt more cared for by any other medical professional up until this point in my life. From the moment I walked into his clinic, hope and joy began to fill my life again. As a Crohns/IBS patient, on heavy biologics and western antidiarrheal medicine, I suffered with loose motion for more then a decade. Dr. Mukul was the first person to finally provide me full relief through ayervedic medicine and a complete over haul of my western diet and life style. My ksharsutra treatment took just over a year to complete which is amazing considering I was told I would live with seton drains indefinitely and that I should get used to this idea. My first trip to Surat was for almost a month, where I received a partial laser fistulotomy and began Kshar Sutra ligation. I was fortunate to have family connections in the medical field back home in Canada allowing me to return and complete most of my ksharsutra treatment there. Although I was in the comfort of my own home and healing beautifully, it proved extremely difficult to receive medical supplies through post or courier. Customs and Health Canada on several occasions tampered with the medical supplies, which is understandable considering the opiod crisis currently in Canada. However it was the confiscation of the medicine and complete disregard for my health by Health Canada that proved most trying and disappointing. It often required the assistance of my member of parliament to even gain access to the supplies that were sent from India. Typically once I finally received the supplies after a month of battle, the KsharSutra medicine was often heavily compromised. This certainly had a large impact on the timelime of my treatment and recovery. However at every request Dr Mukul loyally obliged and sent more medical supplies upon my every request. I returned to India in October 2017 for three weeks in order to have my final tract closed through the core technique. Seven days post procedure Dr. Mukul informed me that my fistula tract had closed, and that he had rid me of this horrible beast, ending my fistula battle. I would like to say that at no point did I ever feel like just another number with Dr. Mukul and that no western medicine or options can compare or come close to the services and the outcomes he provides. I enjoyed making a new life long friend that I will forever love and cherish! Thank you! Sincerely. ”Read_Less”
I have never felt more cared for by any other medical professional up until this point in my life. From the moment I walked into his clinic, hope and joy began to fill my life again. As a Crohns/IBS patient, on heavy biologics and western antidiarrheal medicine, I suffered with loose motion for more then a decade. Dr. Mukul was the first person to finally provide me full relief through ayervedic medicine and a complete over haul of my western diet and life style. My ksharsutra treatment took just over a year to complete which is amazing considering I was told I would live with seton drains indefinitely and that I should get used to this idea. My first trip to Surat was for almost a month, where I received a partial laser fistulotomy and began Kshar Sutra ligation. I was fortunate to have family connections in the medical field back home in Canada allowing me to return and complete most of my ksharsutra treatment there. Although I was in the comfort of my own home and healing beautifully, it proved extremely difficult to receive medical supplies through post or courier. Customs and Health Canada on several occasions tampered with the medical supplies, which is understandable considering the opiod crisis currently in Canada. However it was the confiscation of the medicine and complete disregard for my health by Health Canada that proved most trying and disappointing. It often required the assistance of my member of parliament to even gain access to the supplies that were sent from India. Typically once I finally received the supplies after a month of battle, the KsharSutra medicine was often heavily compromised. This certainly had a large impact on the timelime of my treatment and recovery. However at every request Dr Mukul loyally obliged and sent more medical supplies upon my every request. I returned to India in October 2017 for three weeks in order to have my final tract closed through the core technique. Seven days post procedure Dr. Mukul informed me that my fistula tract had closed, and that he had rid me of this horrible beast, ending my fistula battle. I would like to say that at no point did I ever feel like just another number with Dr. Mukul and that no western medicine or options can compare or come close to the services and the outcomes he provides. I enjoyed making a new life long friend that I will forever love and cherish! Thank you! Sincerely.
Matthew Esch ( Canada)
Testimonial 2

Before starting to create a clear picture of my holistic healing, special thanks to whom who have supported me in this successful life changing journey. Un describable sense of joy , An untold victorious feeling of beating the beast , is not easy to pen down as all deducts are connected now beside the physical health that I have recovered there is more to it than I could even imagine to attempt to begin with . Firstly my regards to Mr.&Mrs.Patel who made possible my life as a happier healthier person .Also I have to congratulate him to have selected and trained the most professional happy team which was a major lift & a main portion of my healing. ”Read_More..”
Otherwise it was not assumable to spend 18 months in order to treat an untreatable disease. Secondly my thanks &appreciation to Indian Nation & their deep understanding of Human nature in all aspects. My story of healing was complimented with other factors which makes up the magic recipe Ayurveda& Yoga Meditation. This is no exaggeration to mention that for me personally this trip not only heal a physical illness, but also make me feel rich as a poor man you can imagine unemployed, an uninsured , in debt for all expenses for the past six years, but this experience was price less in all its meaning. Money is big , but not big is money, as my life experience has proven to me & with my past two years has shown me how human spirit not only still alive it is the basis of Dr .Mukul’s practice & it vibrate through his healing hands. As I sixteen years old on few occasions I had slight pain and dots of blood after the daily bussiness, sometimes unwanted push &dissatisfaction after it was supposibly done, family Doctor fail to diagnose & for youth’s stupidity as well as migration from Iran toTurkey & then to Australia I found my self involved in early marriage & work, bad lifestyle & habits , wrong diet finally bounce back on me. In 2007 anal warts were removed under anesthesia, In 2009 haemorrhoids were treated under anesthesia then in 2011 while getting on with a building project in rural Australia I had a sharp pain after passing stool. After visiting a colorectal surgeon colonoscopy revealed a fissure which the specialist did not recommend taking any action & even the report did not mention about it.Three months later I was at the emergency work getting operated for anal abcess. In the matter of 4-5 months the wound did not heal completely & by my next visit to hospital , it was a high complex anal fistula which they have probed a double plastic seton through it. And I knew that only after discharged from hospital. From then on I was drug depended and disabled man for the following 5 years, On a regular basis almost every 3-4 months a year doctors & professors & western colorectal gurus would have hospitalised me under anestesia to change that plastic drainage, then send me home with a fat prescription of opiods + antibiotics, antidepressants & sedatives. Every time I ask them what their plans are to fix me !! they would respond that they don’t know & I have to maintain it and learn to live with it. One of them in Melbourne whom I was refer to from my original surgeon made a million dollar bet with me on the day of my discharge if I could find a cure for my multibranched high complex fistula. Another one of the colorectal surgeon advice me in writing not to seek treatment overseas in India. In late 2014 I travelled to Germany for consultation recommentations were the same as Aaustralia , the only intervention was the fruitless ozone treatment. I have consulted with many other countries including the US, Canada, Norway, Poland,Italy, Iran was also fruitless. Some have recommeneded hearts man procedure( with the high possiblty of incontinence) In 2015 after a long hesitation I started to broaden my research in to ancient methods of curing this disease. I came across Ayurveda & how one genius has combined the traditional ways with modern techniques and successfully curing thousands of sick people. They were of course references from his patients Globally. My contact with one of them (Christin) was enough assurance to make my mind up about the long trip. When I landed in India, I was in pain, & very high dose of medications ( opioids) I had fever& felt very sick. It was my first time in India &because of my financial situation I was travelling alone on a very low budget which was all borrowed. It was mid December2015 that I came to Dr. Mukul’s Hospital in Surat. My Initial anxiety was only the terms and limitations of my travel documents & the related travel issues. But as I realised later this method falls under alternative therapy like Yoga & meditation, so there was no requirement at all regarding the medical visa. From then on everything change for me. I was again seeing the blink of lights at the end of the tunnel. He told me that my fistula will be healed with methods that is unique and I will not need any medications or the worry of incontinency & the reoccurrence. Most of all they approached and attitude towards me & all his patients was a great uplift which may the foundation of trust between me & my doctor for the first time ever. Complexity of my problems were much exaggerated with drug dependencies detox period and chron’s disease. The impossible case was cured fully on 07/07/17. Now with my disease ceased I’m so moved by the whole attitude and human touch that I feel responsible as a duty & I have started it training in the care and maintenance of these particular treatment which is not available in other countries. I have been given a new life , physically , mentally, energetically& spiritually. The correct holistic view of human health is of a whole world of difference to what we knows as health care. To describe briefly about how much more it means to me than the health itself it is almost mystical, but I felt healthy before I was fully cured & felt rich with a lot of money owing. The mystical part is actually very practical, the Triton of health … Ayurveda Yoga Meditation, It works as one . The impact of my decision will be radiating & shining out throughout my life & I hope I can introduce as many as possible for taking up this life changing trip. Long story short, I am willing to accompany anyone who has no other cure for their anal diseases other than coming to India , Even I’m willing to travel to them after the initial surgery to help & care of ongoing maintenance. ”Read_Less”
Otherwise it was not assumable to spend 18 months in order to treat an untreatable disease. Secondly my thanks &appreciation to Indian Nation & their deep understanding of Human nature in all aspects. My story of healing was complimented with other factors which makes up the magic recipe Ayurveda& Yoga Meditation. This is no exaggeration to mention that for me personally this trip not only heal a physical illness, but also make me feel rich as a poor man you can imagine unemployed, an uninsured , in debt for all expenses for the past six years, but this experience was price less in all its meaning. Money is big , but not big is money, as my life experience has proven to me & with my past two years has shown me how human spirit not only still alive it is the basis of Dr .Mukul’s practice & it vibrate through his healing hands. As I sixteen years old on few occasions I had slight pain and dots of blood after the daily bussiness, sometimes unwanted push &dissatisfaction after it was supposibly done, family Doctor fail to diagnose & for youth’s stupidity as well as migration from Iran toTurkey & then to Australia I found my self involved in early marriage & work, bad lifestyle & habits , wrong diet finally bounce back on me. In 2007 anal warts were removed under anesthesia, In 2009 haemorrhoids were treated under anesthesia then in 2011 while getting on with a building project in rural Australia I had a sharp pain after passing stool. After visiting a colorectal surgeon colonoscopy revealed a fissure which the specialist did not recommend taking any action & even the report did not mention about it.Three months later I was at the emergency work getting operated for anal abcess. In the matter of 4-5 months the wound did not heal completely & by my next visit to hospital , it was a high complex anal fistula which they have probed a double plastic seton through it. And I knew that only after discharged from hospital. From then on I was drug depended and disabled man for the following 5 years, On a regular basis almost every 3-4 months a year doctors & professors & western colorectal gurus would have hospitalised me under anestesia to change that plastic drainage, then send me home with a fat prescription of opiods + antibiotics, antidepressants & sedatives. Every time I ask them what their plans are to fix me !! they would respond that they don’t know & I have to maintain it and learn to live with it. One of them in Melbourne whom I was refer to from my original surgeon made a million dollar bet with me on the day of my discharge if I could find a cure for my multibranched high complex fistula. Another one of the colorectal surgeon advice me in writing not to seek treatment overseas in India. In late 2014 I travelled to Germany for consultation recommentations were the same as Aaustralia , the only intervention was the fruitless ozone treatment. I have consulted with many other countries including the US, Canada, Norway, Poland,Italy, Iran was also fruitless. Some have recommeneded hearts man procedure( with the high possiblty of incontinence) In 2015 after a long hesitation I started to broaden my research in to ancient methods of curing this disease. I came across Ayurveda & how one genius has combined the traditional ways with modern techniques and successfully curing thousands of sick people. They were of course references from his patients Globally. My contact with one of them (Christin) was enough assurance to make my mind up about the long trip. When I landed in India, I was in pain, & very high dose of medications ( opioids) I had fever& felt very sick. It was my first time in India &because of my financial situation I was travelling alone on a very low budget which was all borrowed. It was mid December2015 that I came to Dr. Mukul’s Hospital in Surat. My Initial anxiety was only the terms and limitations of my travel documents & the related travel issues. But as I realised later this method falls under alternative therapy like Yoga & meditation, so there was no requirement at all regarding the medical visa. From then on everything change for me. I was again seeing the blink of lights at the end of the tunnel. He told me that my fistula will be healed with methods that is unique and I will not need any medications or the worry of incontinency & the reoccurrence. Most of all they approached and attitude towards me & all his patients was a great uplift which may the foundation of trust between me & my doctor for the first time ever. Complexity of my problems were much exaggerated with drug dependencies detox period and chron’s disease. The impossible case was cured fully on 07/07/17. Now with my disease ceased I’m so moved by the whole attitude and human touch that I feel responsible as a duty & I have started it training in the care and maintenance of these particular treatment which is not available in other countries. I have been given a new life , physically , mentally, energetically& spiritually. The correct holistic view of human health is of a whole world of difference to what we knows as health care. To describe briefly about how much more it means to me than the health itself it is almost mystical, but I felt healthy before I was fully cured & felt rich with a lot of money owing. The mystical part is actually very practical, the Triton of health … Ayurveda Yoga Meditation, It works as one . The impact of my decision will be radiating & shining out throughout my life & I hope I can introduce as many as possible for taking up this life changing trip. Long story short, I am willing to accompany anyone who has no other cure for their anal diseases other than coming to India , Even I’m willing to travel to them after the initial surgery to help & care of ongoing maintenance.
Max Aryana ( Sydney, NSW, Australia )
testimonial 3

Dear Dr Medha /Dr Mukul I have no trouble at all after my treatment. Miss you all so much,please give my love to all. I came to dr mukul with complaints od a fistula. Having only read about it on the internet and seen some very scary videos online, I was very skeptical about the process. But from the moment I walked in to the shreyas ano-rectal hospital & research centre, my fears disappeared. The professionalism of the doctors, the friendliness of the staff and the wsift treatment methodology put me at ease and made my experience one that i will definitely recommend.
Sheetal Rajan ( Dubai, PO Box 6547 UAE, United Arab Emirates )
testimonial 4

Dr. Mukul had given me my life back. That too without worries and any further complications. I had no clue to what had happened to me and after suffering from acute anal fistula for an year I approached him. He explainedy my situation in detail and suggested an effective age old Ayurvedic treatment of sharsutra. And what he did was tremendously effective and sustainable treatment. I will highly recommend people who suffer from any similar diagnosis to visit Dr. Muklul. He has vast experience and a blessed touch which heals you without complications
Pushpinder Kaur ( Bangalore, Karnataka, India )
testimonial 5

I am a 35 year old American woman, and had suffered for 6 years from an anal fistula. I had multiple attempts to heal it using fibrin glue and collagen plug and western seton placements. Any other option available to me in the USA would have come with a steep risk of incontinence and further harm to that area. I found Proctocure online and starting communicating with Dr. Mukul a few years back. I was eager to go have the treatment in India but also concerned that I didnt know anyone whom had been treated in this manner. It was helpful for me to speak an American patient whom had also been treated by the clinic of Dr. Mukuls prior and could share her experiences with me. I was eager to begin the journey and felt very hopeful after relating to someone whom had been thru what I was and achieved a cure. ”Read_More..”
I then fell pregnant, had a child and had to wait a few more years to travel to India, living with a fistula and only dreaming there may come a day when the end of it was near. Finally when my daughter was 2, she, My Husband, I headed to India in January 2014. Communication with Dr. Mukul and Dr. Medha over the few years previous was always very easy, very prompt to respond and very promising that they could provide a cure, they were experts in the treatment of my exact condition, and in my mind, there was no other option. And Indeed they were the nicest, caring, empathetic and holistic doctors I have ever been blessed enough to be treated by. I went to India with an open ended ticket. I thought my fistula was only 6 cm in length and therefore would hopefully take only 6 weeks to cure. What i didnt consider was the distance of where it began in my anal canal to the complete bottom of my sphincter as well as where it exited a bit away from my anus. this was all healthy tissue that would be included in the distance of the entire tract to be healed. Because it is healing with a loop of thread, it is the entire distance of the loop that is in the equation. In my case this was closer to 14 cms. I stayed in India 5 weeks and left the country to continue the thread changes on my own with assistance. Unfortauntely in my case the duration of healing was closer to 8 months, however the final day came in September of 2014 and it indeed had completely work itself the entire way out of my body. IT WORKED!!!!! Ayurvedic magic healed me slowely but surely from the inside out. It is completely gone. Incredibly blessed to have finally rid myself of years of suffering and no longer have to wear panty liners. I absolutely adore Dr. Mukul and Dr. Medha, have continued to keep in touch and hope to see them again some day (NOT for those same reasons, mind you). I must also tell you that upon return to the USA i revisited my long term (Kaiser) GI doctor during some of the final weeks of my treatment to show him my progress of this method and for an internal exam. HE remarked my inside was the most excellent he had ever seen it and was very impressed. I was hoping by visiting him it would open his mind to not deny western patients the suggestion that possibly somewhere out there in the world an alternative ayurvedic treatment could possibly be there cure. After my own completion I revisited the same doctor again and I was thrilled to learn that his interest had peaked and he was doing more research into the ksharsutra method. He was very keen on additional details from me and I believe he mentioned another patient of his had gone on to India too. Unfortunately it is not approved by the US FDA to be offered and I can only pray one day the west awakens to the magic of Ayurveda. If anyone would like to have a more in depth conversation of my experience I am happy to share via email or telephone call. Please contact proctocure for my details. And if you are suffering like I was, Dr. Mukul is possibly the best doctor in the entire world to help you heal. ”Read_Less”
I then fell pregnant, had a child and had to wait a few more years to travel to India, living with a fistula and only dreaming there may come a day when the end of it was near. Finally when my daughter was 2, she, My Husband, I headed to India in January 2014. Communication with Dr. Mukul and Dr. Medha over the few years previous was always very easy, very prompt to respond and very promising that they could provide a cure, they were experts in the treatment of my exact condition, and in my mind, there was no other option. And Indeed they were the nicest, caring, empathetic and holistic doctors I have ever been blessed enough to be treated by. I went to India with an open ended ticket. I thought my fistula was only 6 cm in length and therefore would hopefully take only 6 weeks to cure. What i didnt consider was the distance of where it began in my anal canal to the complete bottom of my sphincter as well as where it exited a bit away from my anus. this was all healthy tissue that would be included in the distance of the entire tract to be healed. Because it is healing with a loop of thread, it is the entire distance of the loop that is in the equation. In my case this was closer to 14 cms. I stayed in India 5 weeks and left the country to continue the thread changes on my own with assistance. Unfortauntely in my case the duration of healing was closer to 8 months, however the final day came in September of 2014 and it indeed had completely work itself the entire way out of my body. IT WORKED!!!!! Ayurvedic magic healed me slowely but surely from the inside out. It is completely gone. Incredibly blessed to have finally rid myself of years of suffering and no longer have to wear panty liners. I absolutely adore Dr. Mukul and Dr. Medha, have continued to keep in touch and hope to see them again some day (NOT for those same reasons, mind you). I must also tell you that upon return to the USA i revisited my long term (Kaiser) GI doctor during some of the final weeks of my treatment to show him my progress of this method and for an internal exam. HE remarked my inside was the most excellent he had ever seen it and was very impressed. I was hoping by visiting him it would open his mind to not deny western patients the suggestion that possibly somewhere out there in the world an alternative ayurvedic treatment could possibly be there cure. After my own completion I revisited the same doctor again and I was thrilled to learn that his interest had peaked and he was doing more research into the ksharsutra method. He was very keen on additional details from me and I believe he mentioned another patient of his had gone on to India too. Unfortunately it is not approved by the US FDA to be offered and I can only pray one day the west awakens to the magic of Ayurveda. If anyone would like to have a more in depth conversation of my experience I am happy to share via email or telephone call. Please contact proctocure for my details. And if you are suffering like I was, Dr. Mukul is possibly the best doctor in the entire world to help you heal.
Roseanna ( san francisco, CA, United States of America )
testimonial 6

I went to see Dr Mukul and his team in September 2014 after going through hell of pain and discomfort for a year.I needed reassurance and urgent treatment. I am delighted to say I got both from Dr Mukul and his team,I am now much better and would recommend them for any related Piles/fissures treatment.
testimonial 7

I am writing this testimonial for any person suffering from Fistula. 11 months ago I was told I had a fistula. I had no idea what it was and the complications involved to get rid of it. During the 8 months before I left to India for treatment I read everything I could on this disease. I was shocked that for something that seemed so simple could be so challenging for doctors in the western world. The methods to remove it here in Australia sounded traumatising and didn’t really give me assurance of a permanent cure. I learned of a method called ‘Kshar Sutra‘ on the internet and what I read gave me hope of a permanent cure with no incontinence (this was my main concern). I made contact with a few doctors but after speaking with them and also speaking to a lovely patient from Australia that was treated there, I chose to go through with the procedure at Dr Mukuls clinic. Leaving to India for medical treatment was not an easy decision. ”Read_More..”
I had to take into account the fact that it was in a country i have never been to, being away from loved ones for that much time and so on but eventually decided this was the best thing to do! I am so glad I went ahead with it because now i sit here writing this and am fistula-free!. I am forever thankful to Dr Mukul, his wife and lovely staff. Dr Mukul really is a gifted & caring doctor with such a kind heart. He genuinely cares about his patients. His wife Dr, Medha was so supportive and just a beautiful soul. I would also like to give special thanks to Dr Hirin & Dr Jaysh who also helped me get through this. I feel like me again. I have the energy to go out and do the things i do comfortably. People suffering from fistula know that it can really affect your quality of life. Especially that it is such a personal part of your body you feel that you cannot just speak to anyone about it and for that reason you feel alone. I remember always feeling depressed and not wanted to socialise because no matter what i did it was there and it was uncomfortable. I am so happy hat I made the decision to go to Dr Mukuls clinic and get treated there. I no longer suffer from fistula and i feel myself again. If anyone would like to contact me I will be happy to answer any questions. You can contact me on sue.b321@outlook.com. Thank you Dr Mukul! You are the best! ”Read_Less”
I had to take into account the fact that it was in a country i have never been to, being away from loved ones for that much time and so on but eventually decided this was the best thing to do! I am so glad I went ahead with it because now i sit here writing this and am fistula-free!. I am forever thankful to Dr Mukul, his wife and lovely staff. Dr Mukul really is a gifted & caring doctor with such a kind heart. He genuinely cares about his patients. His wife Dr, Medha was so supportive and just a beautiful soul. I would also like to give special thanks to Dr Hirin & Dr Jaysh who also helped me get through this. I feel like me again. I have the energy to go out and do the things i do comfortably. People suffering from fistula know that it can really affect your quality of life. Especially that it is such a personal part of your body you feel that you cannot just speak to anyone about it and for that reason you feel alone. I remember always feeling depressed and not wanted to socialise because no matter what i did it was there and it was uncomfortable. I am so happy hat I made the decision to go to Dr Mukuls clinic and get treated there. I no longer suffer from fistula and i feel myself again. If anyone would like to contact me I will be happy to answer any questions. You can contact me on sue.b321@outlook.com. Thank you Dr Mukul! You are the best!
Sue ( Sydney, NSW, Australia )
Testimonial 8

To, Dr. Mukul Patel Dear Sir, I am Chirag Patel, Surat, Sayan, one of your patients last months and I would really like to appreciate the medical care and services rendered. I have been suffering pains for months from Piles & Internal Fissure and have gone to three doctors but these previous treatments did nothing to cure me of my ailment. I was lucky that finally I got your contact from website and a friend of mine who you have also treated for a similar illness. After only a month of treatment and medication under your care, I am so glad that I am feeling absolutely better and the pain has gone. I now can go back to my normal work and do continue my everyday duties and responsibilities without suffering from any pains. I would again like to thank you and your team Dr. Hiren Mistry. I hope you would continue sharing your services to others in need. Regards, Chirag Patel
Chirag Patel ( Surat,Sayan, Gujarat, India )
testimonial 9

I am really glad that I have chose to visit Dr. Patel to get my fistula treatment. I had fistula for quite sometime but I couldn’t find a good doctor. I have been to several doctors but never found one who can give me results and then finally I found out about Dr. Mukul patel from his website. He gave me his treatment and It’s been an year and I have no problem yet. I am so thankful to God that he made such good human beings specially his staff is so comforting and helpful. I would like to thank Dr. Mukul Patel, Dr. Mistri, Geetaben, Roshni & Hetal for being so supportive and tolerating. . God bless you all & keep up the good work. I would recommend Dr. Patel to anyone who is suffering from anorectal disease and wants to get rid of it. Regards Pooja Narayan
Pooja Narayan ( Mumbai, Maharashtra, India )
testimonial 10

Dear Dr Mukul I arrived at your clinic at very short notice in December 2013 with a number of problems, my main concern being an anal fissure, sentinel pile and anal fistula. I had heard about Kshar Sutra while I was holidaying in India and decided after many months of pain and distress was desperate to finally get treatment. After contacting two other clinics in India and getting a very poor and vague response I decided to travel to your clinic in Surat. ”Read_More..”
I immediately felt comfortable and reassured once arriving at your clinic, firstly because of the high standard of professionalism offered to me by you and your staff and secondly the hygienic standards were first grade. After receiving my medical procedure I decided to stay under your care for a period of time in order to fully recover before returning home to Australia. During this time you and Dr Medha as well as your staff assisted me in not only my recovery but also by means of welcoming me as your guest, for this I will ever be grateful. As I was travelling alone in India for this procedure your friendship and support were what I feel made my recovery a speedy one. Since having the procedure to correct my fissure/sentinal pile and fistula (kshar sutra) and returning to Australia I have not had any problems or reoccurrence of spasm, pain or discharge. This problem was really affecting my life for many months and I am so happy that I made the decision to come to your clinic. There are always doubts when having a medical procedure overseas but I am so thankful that I persisted in travelling to your clinic. You, Dr Medha and your staff are a refreshing change to the some of the medical care I have received in the past in my own country. Thank you so much. Regards Christine (As I wish to keep my details confidential, you may contact me at englishinjapan3@hotmail.com and I am happy to give you a contact number in Australia) ”Read_Less”
I immediately felt comfortable and reassured once arriving at your clinic, firstly because of the high standard of professionalism offered to me by you and your staff and secondly the hygienic standards were first grade. After receiving my medical procedure I decided to stay under your care for a period of time in order to fully recover before returning home to Australia. During this time you and Dr Medha as well as your staff assisted me in not only my recovery but also by means of welcoming me as your guest, for this I will ever be grateful. As I was travelling alone in India for this procedure your friendship and support were what I feel made my recovery a speedy one. Since having the procedure to correct my fissure/sentinal pile and fistula (kshar sutra) and returning to Australia I have not had any problems or reoccurrence of spasm, pain or discharge. This problem was really affecting my life for many months and I am so happy that I made the decision to come to your clinic. There are always doubts when having a medical procedure overseas but I am so thankful that I persisted in travelling to your clinic. You, Dr Medha and your staff are a refreshing change to the some of the medical care I have received in the past in my own country. Thank you so much. Regards Christine (As I wish to keep my details confidential, you may contact me at englishinjapan3@hotmail.com and I am happy to give you a contact number in Australia)
Christine ( Sydney, NSW, Australia )
testimonial 11

Hello Doctor It is always a delight to read from you. I am in good health and wealth… Thanks My fistula in ano is cured but I am still observing my self to be 100% certain. I am currently ensuring proper anal hygiene as I do not want to make any mistake that can result in a reoccurrence. Remember my last surgery in Nigeria was successful for years before it reoccurred again prompting my visit to Surat. I honestly thought that the last surgery in Nigeria will be the lfinal one after 3 previous surgeries by different professionals. My warmest regards to your team in Surat especially your wife and my main man Dr. Hiren. Kind Regards LONGJOHN IBIWARI +234 8072631217 Nigeria.
Ibiwari Kenneth LongJohn ( Port harcourt, Rivers state, Nigeria )
testimonial 12

I personally feel that Dr Mukul Patel has got wonderful surgical acumen by the Grace of GOD.Its rare to see such a good combination of AYURVEDA and ALLOPATH which he is practicing.Dr mukul operated upon me for Fistula in Ano,(horse shoe),I got cured,no recurrence till date.MAY GOD BLESS HIM.-DR R N LAL,Sr. Ophthalmologist(Phaco surgeon)
DR R N LAL ( LUCKNOW, U P, India )
testimonial 13

Dear Dr. Mukul, Thank you for following up on my case and I am sorry for the slow respond due the situation in Yemen it is very bad. Regarding my Fistula it is totally cured even though I didn’t use the medicated thread that you send me. The result ate amazing even though I didn’t finish the treatment completely because I was obliged to return to Yemen. Quite honestly I didn’t expect that. I would strongly recommend for anyone who are diagnosed with Fistula in ano to seek the alternative treatment in India the result is guaranteed. I making this testimony based on firsthand experience. I making the same recommendation to friends and relatives her in Yemen who are suffering from Fistula in ano. Best Regards, Abdullah Najee
Abdullah Najee ( Sanas, Yemen )
testimonial 14

Dear Dr Mukul Namaste, hope your wonderful wife and son are all healthy and happy. Hope you are taking care of yourself with your busy days. Thanks for your inquiry about my state of health, I am doing very good and thanks to you and your knowledge, so far no sign of fistula. I am still living in Hawaii, and away from the mainland of America, I have not gone back to America since my departure from blessed land of India. I am hoping for the oppurtunity to visit Kashmir this summer, what is your plan for this summer. Please say hello to Dr Narayan and the rest of your great staff. I stay intouch Dr. Alireza Rad L.Ac. AcuVeda Wellness & Herb Clinic 66-216 Farrington Hwy. #202 Waialua, HI 96791 (808) 637-4880 office (808) 673-1297
Dr. Alireza Rad L.Ac ( Waialua, HI, United States of America )
testimonial 15

Dear Dr. Mukul , Dr. Medha & Staff, I am so very grateful for the professional and compassionate care that I received while at your clinic, and during my recuperative stay at Healthy Ways in Anand. I was blessed to receive such high quality care from each and every one of you. Before I came to hear of your healing methods I did quite a bit of research only to become disheartened at the dim prospects of recovery with current practices used in traditional modern medicine. Hearing that there was no guaranteed method for a fistula to be effectively healed with western medicine and all of our technologies were very frustrating to me. Having never traveled to receive medical care outside the United States, I was quite apprehensive of what was to happen. ”Read_More..”
You, Dr. Medha, and your staff went above and beyond what anyone could have expected in providing all the support and information that I needed in order to make an informed decision to come to your clinic in Surat, India. It�s been more than a year since my surgery, and I can happily say that I have I have had no symptoms, complications, or recurrence of the original condition. I was most impressed with your knowledge, professionalism, and the caring nature with which you, Dr.Medha, and your staff practice medicine. I felt cared for like family. With no hesitation I happily recommend you, your staff, and your services to anyone who is seeking successful treatment options. Sincerely, Karin Lee You may contact Name Karin Lee Sex Female Address 14303- 1st Ave. NW City Seattle State WA Country United States of America Zip 98177 Fax — E-mail karin.lee@comcast.net ”Read_Less”
You, Dr. Medha, and your staff went above and beyond what anyone could have expected in providing all the support and information that I needed in order to make an informed decision to come to your clinic in Surat, India. It�s been more than a year since my surgery, and I can happily say that I have I have had no symptoms, complications, or recurrence of the original condition. I was most impressed with your knowledge, professionalism, and the caring nature with which you, Dr.Medha, and your staff practice medicine. I felt cared for like family. With no hesitation I happily recommend you, your staff, and your services to anyone who is seeking successful treatment options. Sincerely, Karin Lee You may contact Name Karin Lee Sex Female Address 14303- 1st Ave. NW City Seattle State WA Country United States of America Zip 98177 Fax — E-mail karin.lee@comcast.net
Karin Lee ( Seattle, WA, United States of America )
testimonial 16

Dr Mukul Patel and his team is very great ful for the people whom suffer in anal diseases. May God live long Dr Mukul Patel and his team specially Dr Medha. Shahid Hussain +92-333-538-7252
Shahid Hussain ( Rajan Pur, Punjab, Pakistan )
testimonial 17

Dr Mukul did a good job in handling my ano-rectal problem Since after my treatment, I felt happy going to toilet. God bless you.
Blessing Enyindah ( Isiokpo, Rivers State, Nigeria )
testimonial 18

Dr.Mukul Patel is great doctor, master mind,, and a great human being too.. My uncle Dr.Dhirubhai Dudhat always say about him to me..
dr.mayur dudhat ( surat, gujarat, india )
testimonial 19

oduegbu ugwueze ( portharcourt, portharcourt, Nigeria )