First I would like to start out by thanking Dr Mukul and his amazing team! They have forever changed my life. They provided me with the hope and support where others did not. They cured me of the impossible while ensuring complete control over my bowels for the remainder of my life! They were extremely professional, thoughtful and provided the utmost care during my treatment and stay in Surat, India. I approached Dr Mukul in September 2016 in haste, extremely ill and stressed about my current employment as well as my future opportunities.
After living with a high complex transsphincter fistula for almost a year and having multiple western surgeries, the decision to go to India was fast and hectic. Dr. Mukul accommodated almost every request I made with complete and utter humbleness.


I have never felt more cared for by any other medical professional up until this point in my life. From the moment I walked into his clinic, hope and joy began to fill my life again. As a Crohns/IBS patient, on heavy biologics and western antidiarrheal medicine, I suffered with loose motion for more then a decade. Dr. Mukul was the first person to finally provide me full relief through ayervedic medicine and a complete over haul of my western diet and life style. My ksharsutra treatment took just over a year to complete which is amazing considering I was told I would live with seton drains indefinitely and that I should get used to this idea. My first trip to Surat was for almost a month, where I received a partial laser fistulotomy and began Kshar Sutra ligation. I was fortunate to have family connections in the medical field back home in Canada allowing me to return and complete most of my ksharsutra treatment there. Although I was in the comfort of my own home and healing beautifully, it proved extremely difficult to receive medical supplies through post or courier. Customs and Health Canada on several occasions tampered with the medical supplies, which is understandable considering the opiod crisis currently in Canada. However it was the confiscation of the medicine and complete disregard for my health by Health Canada that proved most trying and disappointing. It often required the assistance of my member of parliament to even gain access to the supplies that were sent from India. Typically once I finally received the supplies after a month of battle, the KsharSutra medicine was often heavily compromised. This certainly had a large impact on the timelime of my treatment and recovery. However at every request Dr Mukul loyally obliged and sent more medical supplies upon my every request. I returned to India in October 2017 for three weeks in order to have my final tract closed through the core technique. Seven days post procedure Dr. Mukul informed me that my fistula tract had closed, and that he had rid me of this horrible beast, ending my fistula battle. I would like to say that at no point did I ever feel like just another number with Dr. Mukul and that no western medicine or options can compare or come close to the services and the outcomes he provides. I enjoyed making a new life long friend that I will forever love and cherish! Thank you! Sincerely.
