Dear Dr Mukul I arrived at your clinic at very short notice in December 2013 with a number of problems, my main concern being an anal fissure, sentinel pile and anal fistula. I had heard about Kshar Sutra while I was holidaying in India and decided after many months of pain and distress was desperate to finally get treatment. After contacting two other clinics in India and getting a very poor and vague response I decided to travel to your clinic in Surat.


I immediately felt comfortable and reassured once arriving at your clinic, firstly because of the high standard of professionalism offered to me by you and your staff and secondly the hygienic standards were first grade. After receiving my medical procedure I decided to stay under your care for a period of time in order to fully recover before returning home to Australia. During this time you and Dr Medha as well as your staff assisted me in not only my recovery but also by means of welcoming me as your guest, for this I will ever be grateful. As I was travelling alone in India for this procedure your friendship and support were what I feel made my recovery a speedy one. Since having the procedure to correct my fissure/sentinal pile and fistula (kshar sutra) and returning to Australia I have not had any problems or reoccurrence of spasm, pain or discharge. This problem was really affecting my life for many months and I am so happy that I made the decision to come to your clinic. There are always doubts when having a medical procedure overseas but I am so thankful that I persisted in travelling to your clinic. You, Dr Medha and your staff are a refreshing change to the some of the medical care I have received in the past in my own country. Thank you so much. Regards Christine (As I wish to keep my details confidential, you may contact me at and I am happy to give you a contact number in Australia)
