Anal fissure

Rectal Discharge – Its Symptoms and Causes


What is Rectal Discharge? Rectal discharge is a substance other than feces and blood that oozes out of the rectum. The substance is mainly pus or mucus that is noticeable either in stool or undergarment. Rectal discharge occurs as a result of many conditions such as infections and inflammatory disorders. Symptoms associated with Rectal [...]

Rectal Discharge – Its Symptoms and Causes2022-06-21T11:47:50+00:00

Anal Fissure: Causes and Treatment


Anal Fissure: Causes and Treatment Description of anal fissure: An anal fissure is a tear or rip that develops in the lining of the anus. The tear may extend into the internal sphincter (a circular ring of smooth muscle). When an anal fissure forms, the internal sphincter muscle goes into spasm which leads to [...]

Anal Fissure: Causes and Treatment2022-05-27T12:38:47+00:00

A Perfect Lifestyle to Avoid Ano Rectal Diseases


Rectum: Description: Rectum is the last part of the large intestine that begins from the lower end of the sigmoid colon and terminates in the anal canal. As the rectum approaches the anus, it becomes large and forms the rectal ampulla. The size of the adult rectum is 10 to 15 centimeters long. Function: [...]

A Perfect Lifestyle to Avoid Ano Rectal Diseases2022-05-27T12:39:17+00:00