Anal Fistula Assessment

Fill up the following details in order to register.

    Please provide the following information as accurately as possible

    Do you have an abscess / boil / opening / nodule in the perennial region?


    [group duration]


    Is there redness / soreness / inflammation at the site? (In the perennial region)


    [group redness]


    Is it painful when pus collects at the site?

    Does it burst intermittently?


    [group burst]

    Does the pain subside after it bursts open?

    Is there any kind of discharge from the site? (If Yes then Specify)


    [group burst_detail]


    Is there?
    Foul smellPusBloodStoolSticky Mucous


    Is there itching / purities at the site?

    [group itching]


    Are you suffering from any inflammatory bowel diseases?

    [group bowel_detail]

    ColitisUlcerative ColitisProctitisChrohns DiseaseOthers

    Have you any biopsy report or Colonoscopy report for the confirmation of the diagnosis?

    [group biopsy]

    Attach Biopsy Report:

    Attach Colonoscopy Report:


    Are you under treatment for the same?

    [group same]


    What type of treatment are you taking / have you taken?


    Are you suffering from? *
    Recurrent dysenteryDiarrheaChronic anal fissureHemorrhoids/ PilesCancer (Malignancy)
    Any other condition of the anus –rectum -colon

    [group anus]


    What type of treatment do you take to rectify it? *

    Please provide details

    Bowel habits*


    1 to 3 times3 to 6 timesMore then 6 times.

    Consistency of Stool:

    Dry and hardSoft but formedSemisolidWatery

    Is the passage of stool associated with? *
    BleedingMucous dischargePus dischargeMuco-purulant dischargeAbdominal pain

    Do you experience a felling of not having evacuated your bowel completely even after passing stool?

    Are you suffering from Indigestion / Feeling of heaviness / blotted ness / in the abdomen?

    Abdomen discomfort & pain?

    [group discomfort]


    Can you feel some mass (lymph glands) in the inguinal region?

    [group lymph]


    Have you lost weight recently?

    [group weight]


    Do you have a present / previous history of tuberculosis?

    [group tuberculosis]


    Have you carried out any investigation?
    YesNo (If Yes then Select)

    [group investigation]

    FistulogramMRIX-rayEndo-anal Ultra sound - sonography


    Have you confirmed the diagnosis by getting your self examined by a Proctologist / Colo-rectal surgeon / General surgeon? (If Yes: If possible forward your surgeon remark / Notes / Opinion by attachment)

    [group Proctologist ]

    Diagnosis Report:


    Have you carried out other investigation?
    YesNo (If Yes then Specify)

    [group other-investigation]

    How many times:

    Provide operation dates:

    Your operative notes/ remarks:


    If you have been operated previously specify the condition of your anal sphincters

    Control of Passage of stool :


    Control of Passage of Flatus (air):


    Have you previously under gone any type of rectal surgery?
    Yes(If Yes then Specify Details)No

    [group surgery]


    [group condition]


    Free Consultation
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