Cryo Surgery

What is cryosurgery?

There was a time when crayo therapy was popular but is now is infrequently was because of availability of better options. This is a procedure which causes freezing of the hemorrhoidal tissue followed by sloughing, dieing and filthy of the hemorrhoids.

Cryosurgery is a procedure in which abnormal body tissues (sometimes referred to as lesions) are destroyed by exposure to extremely cold temperatures. A popular method twenty years ago, cryosurgery has fallen out of favor because of the pain and possible complication involved.

When is it used?

Cryosurgery is used to treat skin lesions such as freckles (for cosmetic reasons), hemorrhoids, warts, and some skin cancers.

What happens during the procedure?

A probe-like tool is used to treat the affected areas. A very cold gas, usually nitrous oxide, is pumped through the probe. The gas makes the tip of the probe very cold. Touch the tip of the probe to the hemorrhoidal area, When the hemorrhoids are treated the patient doesn’t feel the cold sensation. Most of the people tolerate this procedure well, and leave the hospital with no discomfort.

Here, internal and external hemorrhoids are frozen and destroyed by a crayo probe, which uses nitrous oxide or liquid nitrogen as freezing agents. The liquid nitrogen circulates through a system of tubes and cools the tip of the crayo probe to freezing temperature.

What happens after the procedure?

Here, internal hemorrhoids are frozen and destroyed by a crayo probe, which uses nitrous oxide or liquid nitrogen as freezing agents. The liquid nitrogen circulates through a system of tubes and cools the tip of the crayo probe to freezing temperature. The hemorrhoids can either be directly frozen or be ligated first. In either case, local anesthesia is usually used to deaden the pain.


Cryosurgery can be more painful than other medical surgeries. Furthermore, the open wound can become infected and for as long as a couple of weeks after surgery, patients can have abnormal rectal discharge or foul odor which may require the use of absorbent pads.

This method however causes a lot of pain, over a prolong period and persistent, unpleasant foul smelling anal discharge. Beside addition treatment is required in a greater % of patients compared to other Out door patients procedures like Barran band ligation & Infra red coagulation. The obvious discharges of this method we do not prefer it in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Though, it is sometimes used in treating other Ano-rectal diseases like wart, Papiloma, etc.

Its disadvantage is longer healing times. It is necessary to produce a shallow necrosis in the region of internal hemorrhoids in sufficient distance from dentate line, and not in the region of anal canal where it could subsequently result in marked edema and pain.

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